Staffing Japan

Manner of Entering & leaving interview room

Japan is a country which cares about manner a lot, so let’s make good first impression!

① Don’t be late!
It would be appropriate to arrive 10 mins before the interview, but don’t arrive too early either.

② Knock the door THREE times before you enter the room!
Do not knock on the door too quickly.

③ Say 「失礼いたします」 before entering into the room
Use the volume that the interviewer could clearly hear you.

④ Don’t show your back to the interviewer!
When you close the door, make sure not to show your back and use your both hands to close the door silently.

⑤ Differentiate three types of bow.
The examples are shown in the picture down below.

⑥ Say 「よろしくお願いいたします」once you enter the room.
Express your appreciation for taking up interviewer’s time. Bow 30 degree.

⑦ Don’t sit on the chair immediately.
Sit after you hear the interviewers say 「どうぞ」. Bow 15 degree.

① Express your gratefulness after standing up from chair.
Say 「本日はお忙しい中、お時間をいただきありがとうございました」and bow 45 degree after the interview ends.

② Say thanks before leaving.
Say 「失礼いたします」and bow 30 to 45 degree before leaving the room.

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